A few years ago when I earned that golden ticket, the Master of Library and Information Science degree, I knew next to nothing about programming, web design, and relational databases. These are the three areas into which I was thrown at the outset of my career. My MLIS program offered very little at all to prepare me. I took one mandatory and one elective course related to computer technology.
The mandatory course was an overview of computers in libraries, with a very basic web design component. This introduction to HTML got me drooling. I took the elective course which involved more advanced HTML projects and the use of CSS. I motored through that course and did just about all the assignments before the semester was half way through. I was hooked on web design then.
It's good to see that several MLIS programs are now introducing increased technology courses to prepare people for this dynamic area of librarianship. I wonder if such a specialization as a Systems Librarian track exists yet or whether we still rely on people with computing degrees to enter librarianship.
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